Working Sheepdog Sales & Catalogues

Farmers Marts (R G Jones) Ltd are pleased to have held the first Timed Internet Auction of Working Sheepdogs back in May 2020. The sales have gone from strength to strength with numerous world records being broken with the latest for a Trained Working Sheepdog being the incredible record price of £29,600 which was achieved in the May 2022 sale. The record price for a pup was also broken in the same sale where an 11 week old bitch pup sold for £11,600!  During 2021, we held five online sheepdog sales with a total of 104 working sheepdogs being sold to buyers from outside of the UK and a total sale average of £2,659.

List of entries including How to Register, Pet Travel Changes and Terms & Conditions for this sale will be available after the closing date.


How to Register For The Online Auctions

Catalogue of Timed Internet Auctions of Working Sheepdog Sales

03 July 2024

Report of 3.7.24 Timed Internet Auction of Working Sheepdogs

15 May 2024

15.5.24 - Online Timed Internet Working Sheepdogs Auction Report

07 February 2024

7.2.24 - Report of Timed Internet Auction of Working Sheepdogs

15 November 2023

15.11.23 Report of Timed Internet Auction of Working Sheepdogs